After our Normandy Tour, all of us jumped into the trusty rental car and drove down to our new Hotel Auberge De La Baie in Pontorson close to the Monte St Michel. It was another great find and the staff was very friendly as long as we tried to speak French. Bonjouer, par la vou Engla? Most people would respond with little, but the best responeses we got were "par la vou Fransias? no well then English it is. And at this hotel the staff responeded with little, but we will teach you some French during dinner! This hotel eneded up having a fabulous view of the Monte St Michel and a great view of the Sheep. Ryan and I took an early morning walk and kept wondering why the streets were covered with mud. Well the found out later as a herd of sheep was going by our Hotel window that we weren't walking in mud but left over Sheep poop from the herds! After breakfast at the hotel we went down and toured the Monte St Michel. It started as this little monestary and eneded up being this huge cathedral/castle village. It reminded me of Diagon alley from Harry Potter and Hogwars. It had the most amazing little shops and cobbled stoned street leading up to the Abbey. It was a wonderful day exploring around Monte St. Michel until it was time to return our rental car and get ready for our 5 hour Ferry ride over to Niel and Carolee's territory England. We finally made it to Portsmouth England around 9:30pm and then made our 2 hour drive back to the London Temple to stay the rest of our trip at the London Temple Accomidations Center were Niel and Carolee were living. As soon as we checked in we said goodnight and fell fast alseep in no time.
Oh yes we had a little traveling buddy with us. Flat Jaron got to come on our adventure and we had fun posing with him. Thanks Jaron.
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