Friday, August 23, 2013

End of Summer Fun

Oh August time to get in those last minute fun things to do on the "to do list", school shopping, more school shopping, open houses at th schools, and going to the Relief Society Mommy daughter night. My calling in the church is assistant to the Relieft Society Meeting coordinator, which is a very very creative neighbor who I can't keep up with all her awesome ideas, and this was a really fun night. We did a county fair idea and the adults and kids had fun doing games like line dancing, roping, barrel racing, and eating a lot of popcorn. Emery spent the whole time over at the roping area and had more fun riding the calf then roping it!

August is also the time when the kids start to get bored a little and are ready for a schedule and change. Well bored boys can come up with the craziest ideas! Tyler and friends decicded to dress up and go try and sell Pokemon cards as nerds. Oh well it kept them busy for an afternoon and I had a good laugh!

I don't know why in our house that cookie making either turns into a cookie dough fight or just one big mess on my kids. But atleast you can always count on it being fun!

August brings Grandma Roses Birthday and the kids love getting to make the cake and decorate it. We love having Grandma and Grandpa over to try and spoil them since they are always spoiling us!  Happy 63rd Birthday mom!

Time for the growth charting on our laundry door. This year it was fun to see everyone had grown atleast an inch over the summer. The funnest was seeing were Emery is and how much taller she is then Halle was at the same age. Then you have Tyler that is going through a growth spurt and his feet grew 2 sizes and he grew almost 3 inches!

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