Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring Break at home.....

Spring Break was upon us and since we had already been in St. George enjoying the sun and surf, the kids were ready to just be home. The first two days the kids just played and played with the neighborhood and had a blast! We also did a lot of movie nights and didn't get to bed until after 11pm. We spent the week sleeping in and it was GLORIOUS!

We did finally venture outside and went to Classic Skating with the Clements while the Tyler, Chase, and Carter went to the mall. Emery found a new favorite place and loved the bouncy playground with Halle and Kamery while Cole and Treven had a blast rollarblading and hitting on some ladies!

We had a couple days of Rain but when the sun was out we spent that time riding bikes, and playing ball. We took the kids down along with the Lancasters and Lauren to play some Indian ball! The kids also spent a lot of time playing night games and our tampoline became the wrestling pit.

We ended our Spring Break with Conference Weekend. We spent the weekend listening to the prophets, building our tents, and eating a lot of yummy food! And of course there was some crying involved!

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